Tagalog Definition 66

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Akala ko gusto mo ng mga lumang bahay.
I thought you liked old houses.

Akala: thought, think
ko: my (of-me, by-me)
gusto: like; want Gusto is used with ko, mo, ninyo, etc. It is known as a pseudo-verb
mo: your (of-you, by-you)
ng: of; the non-focus marker. Points to words that are not the subject. Points to the object of the sentence.
mga: pluralizer; example: bata (child), mga bata (children); also means “about” or “approximately”
lumang: luma (old thing) + ng; Use ‘matanda’ for old people or adult
bahay: house; filipinos will often say “ours” to refer to their house or place. (“Let’s eat at ours”)
