Tagalog Definition 150

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Alam mo ba kung may sapat tayong kape para sa mga bisita.?
Do you know if we have enough coffee for all the guests?

Alam: know, aware of
mo: your (of-you, by-you)
ba: acts as a question marker within a sentence
kung: if; also used in combination with other words; ex: kung minsan (sometimes); kung paano (however);
may: has, exists; have
sapat: enough, sufficient
tayong: tayo (we) + ng linker. Includes person spoken to.
kape: coffee
para: for
sa: in, to, from, at, on, for; non-focus locative phrase marker
mga: pluralizer; example: bata (child), mga bata (children); also means “about” or “approximately”
bisita: guest, visitor
